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[5/26-27] 박진아T 수능완성 2반 진도와 과제 (월/화까지!)

2022-05-29 조회 21


문법: CH15-3 화법

독해: Q. 장문 독해


단어: This is VOCA 고급Day29-30


- 오답노트: Q7~8, Q11~12번 틀린문제 (답의 근거 찾아서 밑줄 or 쓰기: 교재에 해도 됨)

- 구문분석 프린트: 구문분석 하고 어휘 외우기

- 문제풀이: Q13~끝까지 (풀고 채점하기)


- 교재 p177~180 풀고 채점

- 오답노트 + 화법전환 20문장 써오기

- TEPS: 일치 남은 문제 풀어오기


- 컨셉 영어듣기 16회 풀고 채점, 딕테이션

(딕테이션 점수 기준: 전체 A+ / 9,13,14,15번 A / 틀린 문제만 B)

리뷰테스트 1차 독해+문법 틀린 문제 오답정리 (독해는 지문 붙이고 쓰기)

<다음 직접화법은 간접으로, 간접화법은 직접으로 전환하여 노트에 작성해오세요>

(문제는 안 써도 되지만 답 문장은 꼭 써오기!!)

1. Every student says, "We are studying very hard."

2. A witch said, "I will never marry an ordinary man."

3. A billionaire said, "I'm not rich enough."

4. Mr. Glen said to me, "You can enjoy solving math problems."

5. English teahers said to us, "English is not just a foreign language."

6. Steven said to his friend, "I visited my grandparents with my family yesterday."

7. My son told me that he wanted to have that toy.

8. He said to Kelly that he could do everything for her.

9. Mom said to me that she had changed her hairstyle the day before.

10. My friend said that she would buy a ner smart phone the following day.

11. My aunt said to her daughter, "Why are you so sad?"

12. My brother said to me, "Can you help me with my science homework now?"

13. Joey always says to us, "How are you doing?"

14. Logan said to me, "Did you visit your uncle yesterday?"

15. My parents said to my sister, "What do you want for your birthday?"

16. She asked to her classmates who would participate in the class meeting the next day.

17. The boy asked whether I knew that man in the photo.

18. Mom asked me if I wanted to have pizza for lunch that night.

19. Our teacher said to us, "Don't fall asleep during class."

20. Our teacher said to us, "Do your homework tonight."

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이전 5/28 박진아T 수능완성 토요일 오전반 진도와 과제 2022-05-29
다음 [수능완성반] 5/27-5/28 수능완성1반 진도와 과제 - 전혜은 2022-05-28